Home Team 50697 Pigeons

First Lego League Challenge Team

Learning Plan (Work In Progress)

Goals: A. Navigation

  1. Basic: straight, 90degree turns, maze
  2. Faster: straight, gradual turns, maze
  3. Accurate: motor and gyro sensors
  4. Line Following:
    • straight, turns and maze using - color sensor
    • squaring on lines - using color sensor and gyro
  5. Reliability & attachments
  6. Other sensors (touch, ultrasonic, infrared)


A. Navigation

LP01 - Basic

LP02a - Faster

LP02b - Faster Turns, Straight using acceleration and deceleration

LP02c - Variable Speed Navigation

LP03a - Accurate

LP03b - Gyro

LP03c - Make Gyro More Accurate

LP04a - Line Following

LP04b - EV3 Micropython Proportional Algorithm

LP04c - Squaring on lines

LP04d - combining line following and gyro

LP05- Reliability and attachments

LP06 - Robot Design

LP07- Other Sensors



4 Aug - watched kickoff; read mission rules; started mission M14_health_units

30 July - 3-level line following; intro to PID line following; did not work as expected - forgot to update DriveBase parms with new larger wheels

28 July - Finish second robot; Basic 2-level line following

23 July - Review micropython gyro code; continue build of 2d robot

21 July - Build 2nd robot; review Micropython Navigation

14 July - Faster Maze nagivator with smooth turns

10 July - Basic Movement

Measured and validated robot dimensions; Drove faster using Micropython’s settings() command combined with straight() and turn(); started curved turns with drive() command and introduced Python loops. Had problems with making while loop conditional on robot.distance() < n, where n was desired distance - did not run reset() command immediately before while loop conditional (otherwise measures distance from start of program).

2 July - Maze nagivator

Learned how to navigate robot out and back, and through simple maze, using Micropython’s straight() and turn() commands.