First Lego League Challenge Team
LabVIEW for LEGO MINDSTORMS LabVIEW for LEGO MINDSTORMS (LVLM) and LabVIEW for Education (LV4E) are visual programming environments. The EV3 Software was built in LabVIEW, LVLM is the base software and is much more powerful.
Java with leJOS Tiny Java Virtual Machine that supports Java.
C4EV3 Native C/C++ Programming for the LEGO® EV3
Browser-based IDE Disadvantages (browser based languages may make debugging more difficult)
gearsbot - Blockly to Python-evedev & PyBricks support soon
Lego EV3 Micropython (Pybricks) simulator (fork of QuirkyCort’s gearsbot )
CoderZ ($6.25USD/month/paid yearly) CoderZ is a 3D simulated robot environment using virtual robots that are similar to the EV3 robot. Programming can be done with either Blockly or Java programming languages. For CoderZ to work with LEGO® MINDSTORMS® EV3 You will need to install leJOS on your EV3 Brick.
EV3dev - debian Linux on EV3, bootable from SD card EV3dev isn’t actually a programming language, but rather a Debian Linux-based operating system that can run almost all languages that any other linux distribution can run, including C++, Node.js, and Python.
gearsbot - Blockly to Python-evedev & PyBricks support soon
Lego EV3 Micropython (Pybricks) simulator (fork of QuirkyCort’s gearsbot )
robocatz - Browser based RobotC simulator
Ev3devSim - Browser-based Simulator for EV3DEV (uses Skulpt for in browser python)
OpenRoberta 2D in browser virtual environment
QEV3Bot Simulator - educational, real-time Windows based graphical simulator that accurately models a QEV3Bot running any RobotC program
roboblockly - C/C++ interpreter